Sunday, May 8, 2011

Survey Results

Sorry for the delay in posting results and thanks for your patience!  The full report can be found at  Click on the link under "Files" and the survey results can be found starting on page 34.

Selected Results:

1.  Please rank the following in order of importance, with 1 being the most important and 3 being the least important.
  • Economic Growth
  • Environmental Health
  • Social Welfare

2.  Please rank the following sectors in order of importance for Gates County, NC, with 1 being the most important and 8 being the least important.

Mean values are on a scale of 1-8, with 1 being least important and 8 being most important. "Top" refers to the number of respondents who selected the corresponding sector as the most important. "Last" refers to the number of respondents who selected the corresponding sector as the least important.

3.  Please rate the current status of each of these sectors in Gates County, NC, ranging from very poor to very strong.

4.  Are you familiar with one or more of the following terms?
  • Sustainable Development
  • Green Growth
  • Green Development

5.  In general, how important do you feel the issue of sustainable development is?

6.  If Gates County were to develop a plan for sustainable development, how much input should each of the following entities have in the process?

7.  For each of the following businesses, please select how harmful or beneficial its addition would be for the overall wellbeing of Gates County.

8.  Would you purchase food from a local farmers’ market, if one were established in Gates County?

9.  Do you believe increasing tourism in Gates County would be beneficial to the overall wellbeing of the region and its residents?

10.  How likely or unlikely would the following attractions (either currently in existence or potential additions) be to increase tourism in the region?

11.  In your opinion, what are the two most important natural features in Gates County that should beprotected in order to promote tourism?

12.  Zip code distribution:

13.  Age distribtution:

14.  Gender distribution:

15.  Length of residency in Gates County:

16.  Political affiliation:

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